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Air-raid shelter built in 1938 to protect the residents from the bombings during the Civil War. It is currently the only public air raid shelter that is preserved in Cambrils, and which has been refurbished and made accessible to create a place connected to historical memories and an element that enhances the culture of peace. […]

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A tower that is classified as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest and due to its typology is a building comparable to the 17th century watchtowers. Of a circular layout, with a conic shape, it is preserved almost to its former beauty. Built of stone bonded with lime mortar and including bricks. It has various […]

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Not so long ago a girl told us: “Cambrils is sea”. She couldn’t be more sure, and to be truthfully said, our town cannot be talked about without mentioning the 9 kilometers of coastline. Here the soft waves break gently into the fine sand of Cambrils, making it perfect for the little ones to play. […]

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To spend a weekend in Cambrils without having a wonder along the port is impossible,something unheard of, it is simply a must. Therefore we have prepared a route that goes through the best of this place of Cambrils, to ensure you get the most out of it. The port of Cambrils has two distinctive areas. […]

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In Cambrils sea angling is allowed on all the beaches in the town as from 15th Mai through to 15th September at restricted hours in the night time, from 21:00 to 03:00, the rest of the year, there are no restrictions, as long as you have the necessary permits to do the activity and respect […]

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Subvenció atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona.

Durant l'any 2024, el Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils s'ha beneficiat de la Subvenció Per a Activitats de Promoció Turística, atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. Específicament a tres línies d'actuació: Línia 3: Difusió en línia, creació, millora i actualització de pàgines web de contingut turístic. Línia 4: Distintius de qualitat de platges i Línia 5: Destinacions Turístiques Intel·ligents (DTI).

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