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A weekend with children in Cambrils, in low season

If you come to spend a weekend with children in Cambrils in low season, and you do not know where to start, we make it easy for you and we make you the following proposal: In the morning, after having breakfast in your accommodation where you are staying or in a cafeteria, on a sunny […]

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Where to eat with children in Cambrils

Families who come to spend a few days off in Cambrils, or just to enjoy a family meal, do you already know which restaurant you will go to? You may have already been recommended one, or you already know the options, either because you live near Cambrils and visit us often, or because you have […]

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Not to miss with the family in Cambrils

Cambrils has always been an ideal destination to come with the family, a place chosen by many to have their second home or to spend their holidays. If you still do not know Cambrils, we shall give you some ideas. If you come in spring, autumn, or winter: The Parc Samà A ride by bycicle […]

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Vacances ciclistes a Cambrils

Sylvain ens parla des del seu Quebec natal, al Canadà, on viu tot l’any pensant en els dies que prendrà la seva bicicleta i rodarà per  Cambrils: “Per a mi el ciclisme és un esport que em permet mantenir la forma, tot i que el fonamental és gaudir d’una bona salut durant la meva jubilació”. […]

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El calendari ciclista de Cambrils

La situació geogràfica privilegiada de Cambrils i la bonança climàtica d’estar a la vora del Mediterrani propicia que l’agenda ciclista de Cambrils ofereixi un calendari d’esdeveniments per a tots els públics que, sumat a la planta hotelera especialitzada i als serveis al ciclista, suposen el perfecte pla per als participants i les seves famílies  o […]

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Festival de Música de Cambrils
De l'1 al 10 d'agost de 2024

Festival de Música de Cambrils
Del 1 al 10 de agosto de 2024

Cambrils music festival
From the 1st to the 10th, August 2024

Festival de la musique de Cambrils
Du 1er au 10ème d’août 2024

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