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Parking in Cambrils

See below information about different parking areas in Cambrils. Parking in Cambrils Map In addition, there are the car park regulated areas or “blue zones”  and the car park not regulated areas. APP APARCAR If parking frequently in the regulated parking zones, we recommend that you download the APP APARCAR to make it easier.   […]

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Cambrils, Fishing Port. Fishing Villages and Districts

Cambrils, fishing port The local Port of Cambrils is recognised with the award of Fishing Harbour by the Catalan Tourism Agency in recognition of the living conservation of culture linked to the sea. This award given to the fishing harbour of Cambrils highlights its strong identity marked by the historical-cultural character, the gastronomy, the landscapes […]

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Cambrils’s Museums: Cambrils Agricultural Museum

Cambrils Agricultural Museum The Cambrils Agricultural Museum is located in a cooperative winery since 1920 and represents a clear commitment to the Agricultural Cooperative and Cambrils Farming Institution combining culture and economic developments. In addition to the building, you can also see the permanent exhibition “The production of oil and wine” and the temporary exhibition […]

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“En el Pla de les Serenes” Sculpture by David Callau

En el Pla de les Serenes 1911-2011. Author: David Callau Location: Escales Reials Materials: steel, ceramic and stainless The main pieces of the monumental group located in the port of Cambrils represent sirens, the Dolça i la Calma, observed by a young fisherman, Adrià, who represents the hopeful future. The work, inaugurated in 2011, is made of […]

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Gastronomic Route in Cambrils “An Enchanting Harbour”

When you are in Cambrils, time seems to drift by slowly. It may be due to its fishing port where in the afternoon there is fast-paced atmosphere, whereas the rest of the day invites you to take a leisurely stroll to the Red Lighthouse or to photograph our best-known sculptures. It can be for its […]

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Subvenció atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona.

Durant l'any 2024, el Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils s'ha beneficiat de la Subvenció Per a Activitats de Promoció Turística, atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. Específicament a tres línies d'actuació: Línia 3: Difusió en línia, creació, millora i actualització de pàgines web de contingut turístic. Línia 4: Distintius de qualitat de platges i Línia 5: Destinacions Turístiques Intel·ligents (DTI).

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