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Pepita Bandert

In the apartments Pepita Bandert enjoy a short quality break at the Pepita Bandert Apartments, located at the very heart of Cambrils and only 50 metres away from the main beach at Cambrils, one street behind with all the restaurants, shops and commodities at your doorstep. We offer spacious, diaphanous apartments, where every little detail […]

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Hotel Cesar Augustus

Cambrils stands out for the quality of the services and the continuous renewal of the accommodation facilities. A wide and varied accommodation offer, suitable for each customer profile and its specific requirements. Happy and sweet dreams.  

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Camping La Llosa

Welcome to Camping La Llosa, the best location for your vacation. Located at 5 m from the beach, 800m from the tourist and commercial center of Cambrils and 5km from Portaventura World; Camping La Llosa & Bungalow Park has everything you need to make your holidays perfect. Tranquility, beach and an ideal climate to enjoy […]

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Rural House Mas Montbrió Belvedere

Cambrils stands out for the quality of the services and the continuous renewal of the accommodation facilities. A wide and varied accommodation offer, suitable for each customer profile and its specific requirements. Happy and sweet dreams.  

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Càmping Platja Cambrils

Cambrils stands out for the quality of the services and the continuous renewal of the accommodation facilities. A wide and varied accommodation offer, suitable for each customer profile and its specific requirements. Happy and sweet dreams.  

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Subvenció atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona.

Durant l'any 2024, el Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils s'ha beneficiat de la Subvenció Per a Activitats de Promoció Turística, atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. Específicament a tres línies d'actuació: Línia 3: Difusió en línia, creació, millora i actualització de pàgines web de contingut turístic. Línia 4: Distintius de qualitat de platges i Línia 5: Destinacions Turístiques Intel·ligents (DTI).

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