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El tiempo - Tutiempo.net

There are no water use restrictions in Cambrils.

Cambrils promou accions informatives i de sensibilització per a un ús més responsable de l’aigua. Es tracta d’un recurs vital la mancança del qual s’ha agreujat per la prolongada sequera que s’està patint a tot Catalunya. Tots hem de ser conscients d’aquest fet i contribuir activament a l’estalvi d’aigua.

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Restaurants in Cambrils

Available the new edition of the Gastronomic Magazine with a list of  restaurans in Cambrils classified by categories. You have it in paper at Cambrils Tourisme Office or  online clicking on the bottom below. See guide

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GOLF in Cambrils

The Costa Daurada has all the conditions to be an excellent golf destination, since we enjoy a typically Mediterranean climate with mild temperatures in the winter and warm summers with little rain. The orography ensures the climate is stable, making it ideal to enjoy all year round outdoor activities, in addition Cambrils has a strategic […]

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FOOTBALL in Cambrils

Come practice football in Cambrils Practice makes perfect, dedication turns the amateur into a professional. Enthusiasm, teamwork and tactics. The key to every victory is the effort put into each training session. Cambrils puts its sports facilities at the disposal of teams of all levels who want to get together in the heart of the […]

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Sailing in Cambrils is living unique experiences, emotions that will leave you wanting more. In Cambrils you can enjoy the water, the sea, the speed, the peace, … a range of emotions to live your holidays to the full. Cambrils has the Nautic Parc that provides active holidays based on sports and nautical activities suitable […]

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