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FINA Beach Club Esquirol

An idyllic Place. Gastronomy with local products and international cocktails. Breakfast - Lunch - Evenings - Dinner DJ's Sessions - Live Shows - Stand Up Reservations: Tel. 673 90 71 92

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FINA Beach Club Regueral

An idyllic Place. Gastronomy with local products and international cocktails. Breakfast - Lunch - Evenings - Dinner DJ's Sessions - Live Shows - Stand Up Reservations: Tel. 673 90 71 92

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Festival de Música de Cambrils
De l'1 al 10 d'agost de 2024

Festival de Música de Cambrils
Del 1 al 10 de agosto de 2024

Cambrils music festival
From the 1st to the 10th, August 2024

Festival de la musique de Cambrils
Du 1er au 10ème d’août 2024

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