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Since 1970. Second generation. Traditional seafood cuisine. Traditional flavours and attention to detail.

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La Taverna del Port

Cambrils gained the reputation as “good eating place” throughout the 20th Century and has consolidates it until today. For decades, Cambrils has been the Gastronomic Capital of the Costa Daurada, an acknowledgement achieved thanks to the work of the restaurant operators, the fresh products from the sea and earth, and the delicious recipes that the […]

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La Galera

On our terrace you can enjoy good weather all year round, the sun, the breeze, the blue sky and the starry nights. In this restaurant you will find Mediterranean and Basque cuisine dishes made with the best products off the market, fresh, local and of great quality.

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Casa Port

Cambrils gained the reputation as “good eating place” throughout the 20th Century and has consolidates it until today. For decades, Cambrils has been the Gastronomic Capital of the Costa Daurada, an acknowledgement achieved thanks to the work of the restaurant operators, the fresh products from the sea and earth, and the delicious recipes that the […]

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Casa Llevant

Cambrils gained the reputation as “good eating place” throughout the 20th Century and has consolidates it until today. For decades, Cambrils has been the Gastronomic Capital of the Costa Daurada, an acknowledgement achieved thanks to the work of the restaurant operators, the fresh products from the sea and earth, and the delicious recipes that the […]

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Subvenció atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona.

Durant l'any 2024, el Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils s'ha beneficiat de la Subvenció Per a Activitats de Promoció Turística, atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. Específicament a tres línies d'actuació: Línia 3: Difusió en línia, creació, millora i actualització de pàgines web de contingut turístic. Línia 4: Distintius de qualitat de platges i Línia 5: Destinacions Turístiques Intel·ligents (DTI).

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