The menu from Restaurant El Capi is based on a traditional seafood cuisine, incorporating and blending together the ever tempting specialties of the Argentine cuisine.
Read moreOur cuisine is the result of the legacy of recipes from many generations. We come from one of the oldest fishing families in Cambrils, where men brought home ‘leftover’ fish and seafood and wives prepared recipes based on local natural products. “Romesquets”, rice dishes, stews, … All these elaborations have come to our days thanks […]
Read moreSeafood recipes that have been prepared for generations with surprising creative touches. Tradition and evolution. Respect for the traditional cuisine. Seasonal produce. Signature dishes, tradition, spirit and sensations…
Read moreCambrils gained the reputation as “good eating place” throughout the 20th Century and has consolidates it until today. For decades, Cambrils has been the Gastronomic Capital of the Costa Daurada, an acknowledgement achieved thanks to the work of the restaurant operators, the fresh products from the sea and earth, and the delicious recipes that the […]
Read moreDurant l'any 2024, el Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils s'ha beneficiat de la Subvenció Per a Activitats de Promoció Turística, atorgada pel Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona. Específicament a tres línies d'actuació: Línia 3: Difusió en línia, creació, millora i actualització de pàgines web de contingut turístic. Línia 4: Distintius de qualitat de platges i Línia 5: Destinacions Turístiques Intel·ligents (DTI).
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